Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bob's Message

Sunday Bob called to leave me a rhyming message. This is it:
To Rosie, my sister, Bob is my name,
A Christmas ago we got you a game.

The game was missing some important elements;
The cards with the characters have a lot of relevance.

For a game where a story must be told
Without any characters soon gets old.

Deck "C" was gone, Deck "B" had been doubled;
The packing job had clearly been bungled.

A new deck they promise your way to send
When your address they get to make their amends.

Your address we have, unless you've moved between,
We'll tell them to mail it to apartment 14.*

Area code, prefix, three numbers then one,**
Get back to us soon, or the deed will be done.

Some messages rhyme, but no one knows why.
See you later, love you, and now it's good-bye.
This message, for going above and beyond, was awarded 100 points.

*Line changed slightly.
**Not the original line. Bob suggested this change for the blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First, I am very impressed by the rhyme (it is awesome). Second, I am interested to see how different "The Thieves and Dwarfs Game" plays with thief and dwarf cards. (And a monster card would make the snoring sounds from my underground rivers much more suspenseful.)

  3. It came Saturday. If you want to see how it is with the new cards, maybe you guys should come over sometime. And bring some soda.
