Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Family Poems, Part 2

Sorry I had to run in the middle of the family. Nothing personal, Cindy. ;) Here are the rest.

Cindy Lou, the next one born,
Plays the piano, flute, and horn.
She's famous for her brains and wit;
She has a fan club -- all legit.
She bruises very easily --
A modern Princess and the Pea.
She loves good books and Bollywood.
If you don't read her blog, you should.

Our brother Russell's next in line.
He's a pro at cosine, sine.
As listener he's really great;
I'll talk and talk, he'll sit and wait.
He loves football, BYU,
Just like all our brothers do.
He and Allen look a pair,
(The difference is in parted hair.)

Russ and Jen are a happy pair.
Jen is helpful, good, and fair.
Soccer is Jen's favorite sport,
But she'll play games of any sort.
I really like to talk to Jen,
Though I stop by just now and then.
But now it's hard to stop and play;
I'm sad they moved so far away.

Andrew's just a few months old,
Of him we know what we've been told.
We're told he's smart and curious,
Which we'd expect -- his father's Russ.
He's getting big and nice and long,
We're glad to hear he's going strong.
We can't wait to meet this baby boy.
Perhaps he'll get an Indian toy.

Pop is good and wise and kind,
A better dad we could not find.
If we need help or want to play,
Dad's there for us on any day.
He's great at chess and telling stories.
You should see his morning glories.
I always love his weekly letter,
But seeing him is even better.

Mom takes care of our whole clan,
She helps us any way she can.
Mom can do most anything,
She can sew, and paint, and sing,
She cooks every meal from scratch.
If clothes are torn she'll make a patch.
A chat with her makes me feel good,
If I could be like her I would.


  1. Aw. However, I feel somehow like two members of the family are missing.

  2. Thanks. Very sweet. And I agree with Cindy.

  3. Feel free to fill in the gap. Either of you could do a great job.

  4. Happy Birthday Rosie
    Hope you have a good one
    May your day be filled with fun
    And many more, you see

  5. no posts since Nov. Have u guys left India?
